Fredspristagare stöder Plogbillsaktion


Årets mottagare av Nobels fredspris, Jose Ramos Hortas, stöder plogbillsgruppen Avrustning för Fred. Det här uttalandet gjorde Hortas efter att ha hört talas om Avrustning för Freds försök att avrusta delar till Robot 70 system, beställda av Indonesien. Hortas gav även mycket stöd till Seeds of Hope under rättegången i Liverpool .

Message from Jose Ramos Horta to the courageous Ploughshares group in Sweden.

My good friends, I have learned with great pleasure about your courageous recent action aimed at disarming Robot 70 systems. Continuing Swedish arms sales to Indonesia are a great inmorality that must be stopped. It is clear to the government of Sweden that weapons used by the Indonesian Armed Forces are used not for defense against outside attack, but are targetted mostly on a defenceless civilian population. This misuse is particularly damaging in the case of the people of East Timor, subjected to a brutal military occupation for almost 21 years, which has led to the death over over one third of the population.

Not so many weeks ago I was in Liverpool, at the trial of the four heroic members of the Ploughshares movement there. Through their association with us, our long exchanges of correspondence, and their commitment to the just cause of the people of East Timor, the ‘Liverpool four’, as they have come to be known, have become very close and dear to the East Timorese. Being used to the massive injustices that so often accompany matters related to the people of East Timor or the noble supporters of our just cause, I anguished during the sessions in court. I was elated when the four heroines were pronounced free. It was a triumph for justice.

I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the risks you are taking to defend what is true and proper. Swedish arms sales to Indonesia, whatever the name that is used to justify them, are improper and need to stop. Let us hope that the government of Sweden will remain loyal to well established Swedish traditions for the promotion of peace and justice in the world, and continue to uphold the reputation of the Swedish people as a peaceful nation with a high moral conscience. Clearly a few profits on the illicit and morally inadmissible sale of weapons to a discredited dictator, are not worth the cost to Swedish standing.

I applaud your efforts and wish you success! Thank you for your good work

Jose Ramos Horta Sydney 25 October 1996
