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unexpected release










Bildlänk till Svärd till Plogbillar bread not bombs / english / press / unexpected release



Bildlänk till hemsidan

    Newsletter no 7, 1999 01 29


At their hearing in Preston on Thursday 21st January, all three of Bread Not Bombs Plowshares were unexpectedly released on bail, despite refusing to accept any conditions attached to their release, and promising in court to continue their disarmament work if they were released. In reply Judge Duckworth told the defendants that "I don't take kindly to people holding a gun to the court's head", and released them without any application for bail.

A new trial date was also set, for 4th May at Preston Crown Court.

Annika, Ann-Britt & Stellan can be contacted direct on (mobile phone) 0403 615 894

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